Four Forces of Nature

There are four forces in nature:- Gravity, Electromagnetism, Weak nuclear force and Strong nuclear force


Let me explain Newton’s law of Gravitation

Newton’s law of Gravitation states that the force of attraction between any two bodies is proportional to the mass of the bodies and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Which means that the gravitational force between any two bodies is more if two bodies are closer to each other and if they have more masses. The G present in the equation is called Big G or the gravitational constant. We can find the force of attraction only if there is a constant in the equation.

The equation goes as follows:-

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In the equation, F is the force of attraction between any two bodies or is the gravitational attraction between any two bodies. G present in the equation is the gravitational constant whose value is- 6.67 x 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2. The power of gravity is a million trillion times weaker then the gravitational force, making gravity the weakest of the four forces. But it’s advantage is that it is always attractive unlike the other forces of nature which are attractive and repulsive. It also acts over a long range, which makes this force quite unique unlike the other forces which act in small scales.

Newton’s law of Gravitation helped in solving the problem in how planets revolve, but it still didn’t answer the question, how?

The answer came later in 1915 when the theoretical physicist Albert Einstein discovered the General Theory of Relativity. He combined space and time which were considered different into space-time which is the fourth dimension of space. Previously, people thought that the fabric of space and time were flat and couldn’t be bent. Einstein changed it. He told that astronomical bodies with mass will bend space-time and when they bend the space-time they create a force called Gravity.

The earth revolves around the sun because the sun produces a bend in the fabric of space-time and objects like the earth will be rolled into the bend and will circle the sun until something bad terribly happens.

The more you go towards a gravitational source, the more time slows for you.

Let me summary the twin paradox theory.

The twin paradox states that two twins who are on different positions and speeds will experience difference in time. Suppose one twin is on the surface of the earth and the other twin is in outer space and moving in a spaceship, the one moving around the earth in a spaceship will be moving slower in time because the faster you move through space the slower you move through time.

Gravitation is caused by the exchange of gravitons between bodies. Even bodies like books and table exert a gravitational pull between each other. But the force of Gravity is just to small for us to notice.

Image result for gravity


Electromagnetism is the interaction between electrically charged particles which will result in the attraction between the unlike charges and repulsion between the like charges.

Image result for electromagnetism

Weak Nuclear Force

Weak nuclear force is the interaction between subatomic particles which results in the radioactive decay of the atomic nucleus.

Image result for weak nuclear force

Strong Nuclear Force

Strong nuclear force is the force which holds the protons and neutrons in the atomic nucleus with the help of mesons. According to electromagnetism the protons in the nucleus are supposed to repel each other but the strong nuclear force helps in holding them together and stop them flying away from each other. It also helps in holding the quarks together in the protons and neutrons with the help of gluons. The strong nuclear force has a boundary surrounding it which helps it in becoming more powerful than electromagnetism. An element which exceeds this boundary will have atomic decay, for example iron.

From this we infer that

Gravity is the weakest force

Weak nuclear force is less weaker than gravity

Electromagnetism is the second strongest force

Strong nuclear force is the strongest force

Thank You for reading….

Published by wisdom2chase

I am very interested in astrophysics and want to become a Theoretical Astrophysicist in NASA. I started writing this blog at 2019 and please subscribe once you finish reading the blog. This blog explores the deepest insights of the universe and explains the most diverse of phenomenon and dynamical processes. Starting from black holes to the stars to the planets and going to the edge of the observable universe. Please enjoy reading and please subscribe to my blog to get live updates of the fascinating universe.

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