Five Most Weird and Horrifying planets in the Universe

The universe is billions upon trillions of light years big, so, there should be a lot of horrifying and amazing planets in the solar system.

This is a list of the five most horrifying and amazing planets discovered: –

  1. COROT-7b
  2. GJ 436 b
  3. 55 Cancri E
  4. Wasp 12b
  5. TRAPIST-1b


Size of the planet: – A little more than 1.5 earths

Orbital period: – 20 hrs

Estimated age: – 1.5 billion years old

Distance: – 489 light years from earth

The side of the planet facing the sun is very hot because the planet is 60 times closer to its star than the earth is to the sun. thus, the star looks 360 times bigger in this planet than on earth.

The temperature on the day side reaches a blazing 4,700 degrees Fahrenheit. This vaporizes the rock in the day side. The night side of this planet is very cold (-392 degrees Fahrenheit). This causes the vaporized rock to condense into pebbles in the night side. Later, when the clouds become too heavy to hold on the condensed pebbles, they will rain down the pebbles as rain. This is a very unique feature because no other planet is thought to have features like this planet.

Fact: – The planet was believed to have formed as a gas giant at start. It then came closer to its parent star which resulted the planet to lose its outer layers, only its rocky core was left behind.

GJ 436b

Size: – About as big as Neptune

Orbital period: – 2.6 earth days

Distance: – 30 light years from earth

The temperature of this planet soars up to 439 degrees Celsius. This is hot enough to vaporise water. However, the water in this planet remains in its ice form. The ice in this planet is not the kind we see here on earth. The ice in this planet is called ice 7. This ice 7 has a denser and crystalline structure. This ice is formed due to the strong gravitational pull of the planet at its core. The outer layers of this planet constitute of hydrogen, helium and methane. The planet contains high quantity of carbon-dioxide which makes the planet very hot.

55 Cancri E

Size: – 2 earths

Orbital period: – 7 earth days

Distance: – 40 light years from earth

This planet has a lot of carbon in its atmosphere. The heat and pressure of this planet convert the carbon in its atmosphere to diamond. It is estimated that we can obtain 26.9 nonillion US Dollars if we sell all the diamond in that planet. One side of this planet always faces the sun and the other side always bares darkness, this makes the planet very hot in one side and very cold in the other side. Water cannot strive in such extreme conditions.


Size: – Almost the size of earth

Orbital period: – 1.5 earth days

Although, the planet is very hot (2,240 degrees Fahrenheit)

It has 250% more water than the earth has. This planet has 5% pure water while the earth has only 0.20% pure water.

Wasp- 12b

The planet is stretched out (elongated) because of its parent star. This planet is as black as asphalt.

Image result for wasp 12b

Thank you for reading….

Published by wisdom2chase

I am very interested in astrophysics and want to become a Theoretical Astrophysicist in NASA. I started writing this blog at 2019 and please subscribe once you finish reading the blog. This blog explores the deepest insights of the universe and explains the most diverse of phenomenon and dynamical processes. Starting from black holes to the stars to the planets and going to the edge of the observable universe. Please enjoy reading and please subscribe to my blog to get live updates of the fascinating universe.

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