
Many people today like mars because of its varied features and geographical structures. Seriously, anybody who is involved in finding life on other planets other than the earth likes mars because it contains geographical structures similar to earth. Mars is the forth planet from the sun and it appears red in color because of theContinue reading “Mars”

The Ultimate Moments After The Big Bang

As I have told you in my previous posts, the universe we have today is different from the past. The universe was started in an inflationary expansion. The universe in the beginning was confined to a point of zero density and volume. But, due to the extreme pressures, it got expanded. It expanded in aContinue reading “The Ultimate Moments After The Big Bang”

Scientists have discovered a weird astronomical body

Scientists have discovered a weird astronomical body in the Kuiper Belt using the New Horizon’s mission which also examined Pluto. This object is called Arrokoth / mu69 /Ultima Thule. This body consists of 2 astronomical bodies clumped together by a thin neck. This discovery could help nail the mystery of planetesimals. It is thought thatContinue reading “Scientists have discovered a weird astronomical body”

The Birth and Death of the Universe

The universe is a place of wonder. It consists of nebulas, black holes, stars, planets and many more fascinating objects. But did you even wonder how the universe was formed in the first place? I am about to answer that doubt. Before the massive explosion (big bang), the universe was in a very dense pointContinue reading “The Birth and Death of the Universe”

Five Most Weird and Horrifying planets in the Universe

The universe is billions upon trillions of light years big, so, there should be a lot of horrifying and amazing planets in the solar system. This is a list of the five most horrifying and amazing planets discovered: – COROT-7b GJ 436 b 55 Cancri E Wasp 12b TRAPIST-1b COROT-7b Size of the planet: –Continue reading “Five Most Weird and Horrifying planets in the Universe”

Four Forces of Nature

There are four forces in nature:- Gravity, Electromagnetism, Weak nuclear force and Strong nuclear force Gravity Let me explain Newton’s law of Gravitation Newton’s law of Gravitation states that the force of attraction between any two bodies is proportional to the mass of the bodies and inversely proportional to the square of the distance betweenContinue reading “Four Forces of Nature”

White Dwarf and how it supports itself

A White dwarf is a remnant of a star with very low mass. When a small-sized star ends its life in a supernova (which is one of the brightest explosions because it is visible from earth even if the explosion is hundreds of millions of light years) the star will become a white dwarf. OnlyContinue reading “White Dwarf and how it supports itself”

Neutron stars, pulsars, white dwarfs, black dwarfs and magnetars.

A neutron star is a celestial body of very small radius (30 km) and very high density, composed predominantly of closely packed neutrons. Neutron stars are thought to form by the gravitational collapse of the remnant of a massive star after a supernova explosion, provided that the star is insufficiently massive to produce a blackContinue reading “Neutron stars, pulsars, white dwarfs, black dwarfs and magnetars.”

Planets and moons in the Solar System suitable to support Life

Finding extra-terrestrial life has been a goal for many scientists. You see, life in the earth will end in a century or so, due to various reasons like global warming, nuclear war, robots, etc. NASA and many space agencies are trying to find extra-terrestrial life in the solar system so as for a replacement forContinue reading “Planets and moons in the Solar System suitable to support Life”

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